Marketing automation for Form Factory

Chatbot and implementation of ActiveCampaign

With the Form Factory client we implemented the ActiveCampaign tool for marketing automation. Advanced analytics on the website and in the costumer section. Chatbot integrated with ActiveCampaign and a tool for measuirng NPS score, that we can effectively evaluate customer satisfaction. 

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Project benefits

  • Ability to better measure customer satisfaction
  • Advanced analytics on all sites
  • Over 3000 chats of chatbot Honza with customers
  • Ability to work with customer data across channels
  • Automated scenarios that improve acqustion and customer retention throughtout the chain



Lead generation for ZOOT
through a fashion annuity competition. 


Campaign for students "Account for young gives 1000 cash"


Chatbot “Canny” helped students introduce the concept of  management challenge.